Jones of the Nile

Monday, February 12, 2007

"mike looks like..."

How could one resist not doing this, which comes from my friend JR’s live journal.

Instructions: Do a Google search for the following: "(your name here) looks like" inserting your name where indicated and including the quotes. Post the top five (or just laugh at them).

If I type my full name, Mike Jones, I get what the rapper Mike Jones looks like, and the consensus on him seems to be one of the ninja turtles. So I just left it “mike” and here are my top five:

5.) “Mike looks like a freak with no hair.”

4.) “Mike looks like three shades of turd.”

3.) “Mike looks like a pimp in that get up with the sheep staff.”

2.) “Mike looks like he may be kicking ass again!”

1.) “Mike looks like a normal person, until he takes his shirt off.”

Ah, the things that people will do to kill time...


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