Jones of the Nile

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I just came across the term "couch-potatoitis." I'm not sure I know exactly what it means, though I guess it's one of those terms like "pornography" - you know it when you see it.

The term is used by Matthew Fox, a former Catholic priest (ex-communicated for his liberal views), in a recent issue of Yes Magazine. In the interview, Fox talks about the difference between eros — the love of life, and sloth or couch-potatoitis. Here's his words:

...the word sloth is a narrow translation of acedia, and what acedia meant in medieval understanding according to Thomas Aquinas was a lack of energy to begin new things. It would include cynicism, despair, depression, couch-
potatoitis, and so forth.

Zeal, he said, is the opposite of that. Zeal comes from an intense experience of the beauty of things. Rediscovering the beauty of existence, and of our planet, and of our own species—I think this is where we get the energy back.

Check out the rest of the interview for more curious insights from this curious man.


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