Jones of the Nile

Monday, July 18, 2005

I'd like to buy the world a Coke (and steal all of their water, too)

The Coca-Cola controversy continues, as news over the weekend reported that Coke is getting all bent out of shape over a billboard that an Indian activist created explaining how Coke is stealing water from poor people in India. The articles are all over, but here's one from the Toronto Globe and Mail (courtesy of Reuters).

The billboard shows a line of plastic pots under a dry hand pump, a common scene in Indian villages and towns, where water is scarce. In the background, nestled against the Coca-Cola logo, is the tagline "Drink Coca-Cola."

Coca-Cola has threatened a lawsuit, but activists in India are crying foul, saying that Coke is infringing on their right to free speech. The activists see it as another attempt by Coke to quell concerns over their business practices in India - where many accuse them of creating water shortages in poor villages, and causing environmental damage.

Coca-Cola continues to deny any wrong-doing in India, and truth be told, nobody really knows for sure what the extent of Coke's business practices in India really are (and whether they are causing water shortages). But enough people are raising hell about Coke to give me pause. (My favorite is

As a friend of mine in the peace movement once said, "If I'm going to err, I'd rather err on the side of the poor than on the side of big business." That's sort of how I feel here. I don't trust public relations people from Coke that say they aren't doing anything wrong. And while I might not believe all the accusations made by activist groups against Coke, I think enough people have raised red flags to show that something wrong is going on.

Besides, I don't need to drink the stuff anyway. It does a number on my intestines, and leaves my teeth with a sugary film. sucks to grow old! When I was 12 I could drink motor oil and be fine. Now, one can of pop (soda, for most of the country!) has my stomach revolting for hours.


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